"The right word at the right time is like a custom made piece of jewerly."

Welcome to Custom Made Word - a place for reflections, rejuvenation and refreshing.

The right word at the right time is like a custom made piece of jewelry created especially for you, It perfectly glides on your finger, accentuates your wrist and there are no adjustments to do. Customs made words are designed to be delivered into your life at the perfect time. Custom made words can come in the form of a poem, phrase, email or text – Something that encourages you for what God has next…… Custom made piece that is designed for us are unique, even though our mouths may be silent, the cries from our heart is always heard…. Sometimes a hug, a smile and simply being present is the answer and more powerful than an audible word….. A custom made word is not only something that is given and designed for you… You too are a jeweler and called to create custom made words for others, too. So, I invite you to take this lyrical journey with me, Be inspired to create your own custom made jewelry….. Speak life Peace and Blessings, Rev. Sheila P. Spencer