I am writing this while in the midst of a storm.
It is one of those typical Indiana rain storms with combination of a steady pour of rain and wind, there's no way to live here and escape them. As much as I would like to stay inside whenever it storms, life doesn't always allow me to do that. In fact, I've already ventured out early in the morning into the midst of it. It means adjusting what I wear and going out there. . Even if seems forever. I learn lessons being in the midst of the storm, adjusting what I wear, being more aware of my surroundings and those around me. It slows down my driving, making me more careful and conscious. Lessons from previous storms remind me what to do and not to do. Sometimes it's a few moments, or several hours,… but regardless of the length of the storm, there is one certainty …. it eventually passes.
There are lessons learned in the storm.
I am writing this while in the midst of a storm.
It is one of those typical life storms with a combination of a steady pour of distractions and unexpected challenges, there's no way to live here and escape them. As much as I would like to go for cover whenever there are stormy moments, life doesn't allow me to do that. In fact, I've already had to deal with some issues earlier today. Sometimes the seasons seem forever, but I learn to make adjustments, giving myself more grace, slowing down, being still and more conscious of those around me. Regardless of the length of the storm, there is one certainly .. it eventually passes.
The greatest lessons I have in the storm has been riding it out, not just when it subsides. But knowing how to ride it out prepares me each time, because as sure as the storm subsides, it will start again. But it's the peaceful moments in the midst of the storm, that come in unexpected ways.
It's in the sanctuary and covering of friends, it's being in a worship service that opens up with Peace be still, a sermon that encourages my faith, followed by the song that reminds me that the battle is not mine, it's the Lord's. It's in transparent places, it's in hugs in hallways and authentic prayers, it's in the sanctuary of giving yourself the gift of grace and peace.
Still learning and leaning through the storm.....
Peace in the midst,