Three Iconic Words ... Just Do It

“Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin …” Zechariah 4:10

“Your actions speak so loud, that I can’t hear a word you say.” My Dad’s (Perry Spencer, Sr) translation of Actions speak louder than words.

“Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy land.” My great-aunt’s translation of Easier said than done.. It was also her response when a person spent more time talking about what they were going to do instead of doing it.

Nike had one of the most iconic slogans of all time. Three simple words … Just Do It. We saw images of athletes, well known or unknown, practicing, running, lifting, climbing and focused. There were no excuses, no waiting and no delaying … they were doing it. Then the three simple words … Just Do It flashed across the screen. Nothing else needed to be said.

Preparation is important, getting ready is essential, setting the stage is necessary …. but at some point you have to do it. You have to write the book, launch the business, post the profile, plant the garden, publish the price list, release the vision, share your blog, preach the sermon, record the podcast,

Just Do It.

The Bible is full of messages to Just Do It: We see reminders that we don’t have to wait until everything is in place and conditions are perfect (They never will be) Start with whaat you have and do it. Often that means starting before you are ready. God reminded me when I published my first book. I didn’t know anything about publshing. But I wrote the book, then in a casual conversation, connected with someone who edited and set it up for me. Through her, I connected with a printer. I remember God said , “Just start it and everything will fall in place.”

If you build it …..

We have to give God something to work with. In the words of Marshawn Williams. God can’t bless steps that we never take, a dream we never deploy and a mission we never start.

Subtract the perfectionism and procrastination. Just Do It.

A year ago during a seminar, the presenter asked us what we love to do. I said blogging. She looked at me and said “How often do you post it?” I had nothingt o say and realized I needed to just do it again. For exactly one year, I have posted an article/audio version each week . Never missed a Monday. You have been on this journey with me. Just Do It …. and reminder that I am going to keep on doing it one step at a time.

Zechariah 4:10 reminds us that not to despise small beginnings, God rejoices when we just do it and start the work. I have celebrated with others and seen businesses launch, gardens grow, visions flow, creativity released and projects increased.

Just Do It .

Stop Waiting … Just Do It.

Stop Delaying .. Just Do It.

Stop Waiting For it to be perfect .. Just Do It.

Just Do It.

Sheila P Spencer