Moth Encounters of the Divine….

Moth Encounters

Today, I was working at my dining room table where my window overlooks the lake. I had been there for hours and looked up and saw a moth on the blinds. It was a huge moth and the first time I had seen a moth in my home.

I freaked out.

I lost it.

I got a pillow and killed the moth.

I promise you that the pillow is still on my dining room floor.

Judge somebody else … not me.

Then I had a moment…

Seeing a moth, especially during a time of transition, can be a powerful symbol. Shortly after the untimely death of the moth, I started to think about what the moth symbolizes and began researching. Delving into this information, I realized that the moth had a message.

So, this blog is dedicated to the moth.

1. Embrace Change: The moth’s life cycle is a reminder that transformation is natural and necessary. Embrace the changes ahead as opportunities for growth and renewal.

2. Trust Your Intuition: Like the moth navigating through darkness, trust your inner guidance. Your intuition can lead you to the light, even when the path seems uncertain.

3. Adapt and Be Flexible: Moths are adaptable creatures. Stay open to new experiences and be willing to adjust your plans as needed. Know when to pivot.

4. Seek Enlightenment: Moths are drawn to a flame, symbolizing a quest for knowledge and truth. Use this time to seek deeper understanding and clarity in your new endeavors. Seek sources of light through prayer, study, therapists, and community.

5. Release Fear: When the moth’s presence initially freaked me out and I eliminated it, I felt it was a symbol of smashing the fears about the changes we are facing. Acknowledge these fears, but don’t let them hold you back. Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing it in spite of the fear. Stepping into new things often involves moving beyond our comfort zone.

The presence of the moth was a surprise, and don’t judge me for my action. I realize that the moth’s sudden presence was a reminder to embrace the symbolism and a reminder that I (and all of us) have the strength and resilience to navigate new chapters in our lives.

New chapters are always coming…

Dedicated to the memory of the Moth,

Sheila P Spencer

FYI- Moth To A Flame is the name of my very favorite Candle Company. They are created and curated by a special friend. Click the Moth To A Flame Candles link below to check them out. The scents do not disappoint. Burning one tonight in memory of the Moth.

Moth To A Flame Candle