Hospitality .....

Do what you can with what you got. Should you wait until everything is perfect? Probably not.

Do not neglect to extend hospitality to strangers [especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 (AMP)

This quote sparked a memory. I remember my when I got my first place. My plan was to take my time to furnish. It would be filled with pieces that I loved and that connected to my spirit and energy. My living room consisted of a rectangular banquet table and folding chairs … like the ones from the church fellowship hall. Now that I think about it, I probably got it from the church. My living room stayed like that for quite a while. But that’s not what I remembered.

My memories were of how it felt to have my own space. I loved creating spaces and places where people feel welcome and at peace. That banquet table and chairs hosted birthday dinner parties, spa days, movie nights, one on one sessions and more. I am glad that I didn’t wait to open up my space until I furnished the living room with the furniture that I wanted. I already had what I needed.

It reminded me that hospitality isn’t about having the perfect space with everything in perfect place. It’s about opening up your space to make someone feel at home. It is giving someone the gift of presence and intentional space to be.

When I reflect on the gatherings, I don’t remember the table and folding chairs, I remember the joy, the laughter, the tears , conversations spoken and unspoken that happened in that space. It reminded to do what I can with what I got. Should I have waited until it was perfect? Probably not.

When I reflect on hospitality, it takes me all over the world, It takes me to sacred experiences and places where I truly learned what the heart of hospitality truly is. It is opening up your heart so that people feel at home.

It is the hospitality during my journeys to the Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our hosts took the time to offer a pitcher and bowl, and poured water over our hands and dried them. This gesture was repeated at every meal in each home. It got to the point, where I would be weeping before the meal was served. It was my Congolese family reminded me that wanted to cover and bless me while I was in their space … it was our space and we were home together.

It was dinner in the home of Maria Elena in Cuba. In her tiny apartment, the four of us dined on a quarter of chicken and some pieces of bread. She served us and as we ate, she would periodically get up and worshipped. She praised God for giving her the honor of allowing her home to be a blessing and that she could serve and feed God’s children. We were at home. I cried through that meal because I was worshipping that I was being loved in that space.

Think about the time when you really needed to talk to someone and they invited you to their space. They may have began with, “My house is a mess, but come on over ..” If you really needed someone to talk to, I guarantee that you didn’t focus on the unwashed clothes, or dishes or dust. You focused on the fact that you were heard, seen and loved. That person may have had no idea how much you needed that space and place.

Hospitality can happen in a fully furnished and spotless home. It can happen with a full course meal. It can happen with Peanut butter and crackers with a folding chair and table. It can happen on the floor with a pizza or leftovers. It doesn’t matter. Hospitality isn’t about waiting until you have everything perfectly arranged in your spot. Does that matter to someone who just needs your presence and time? Probably not.

To each one of you who have personally opened up your heart and home to me. I will always treasure and appreciate you deeply.

To those who allowed me to offer my heart and home to you, I hope you know that it is a blessing for me too.

Home and Heart,
