Bouncing Back Prayer

This prayer was posted on social media and it simply spoke to me.  I researched the term bounce back.  It reminds us that we can recover after a missed shot. Don’t give up shooting your shot.  This prayer came just in time for me. I hope it blesses you.

“No matter how many time you trip them up, God-loyal people don’t stay down long; Soon they’re up on their feet,” Proverbs 24:16


Dear God, lately I’ve been out of it.

I feel like there are distractions trying to trick me out of

My spot.  I come in prayer today to ask that you help me

Bounce back. Steer me back on track.

Remove any obstacles and distractions trying to take me

Out of my element.

I am confident in your plans and I trust you completely.

I know that when you say yes, no one or nothing

Can say no.

You have a calling for my life and I am here for a reason.

Help me reach all my goals,

Bless me with wisdom and knowledge for this journey.

Do not allow anything or anyone hold me back from

Reaching my full potential…even if it’s me.

It’s about time I get on track and bounce back.

In Jesus Name,

Ashe and Amen

Bounce back ~Overcome~Rebound

Recover~Recuperate~Gain Strength

Get Better~Get Over ~Get Well

Mend ~Reflect ~Renew One’s Strength

Turn The Corner~ Bounce Back Heal ~ Try Again ~ Persist ~ Don’t Give Up ~ Come Back ~ Repair

Bouncing Back and Getting On Track,

Sheila P Spencer