Give the Gift…….
"Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light." James 1:17a
Thanksgiving doesn’t seem to have a chance. The moment that children are putting on their Halloween costumes, the Christmas season is already in full gear. Decorations are arranged, stores are stocked and Christmas music is piped throughout for all to hear. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and Thanksgiving gets left in the dust. Black Friday used to start the day after Thanksgiving, but now Christmas rush even has seeped over into the actual Thanksgiving Day with special sales.
But Thanksgiving is actually the perfect season to bring out the gift that keeps on giving. It is a gift that is not confined to a season, and this is for a very special reason. The gift that keeps on giving is the treasury of talents and gifts that have been poured into you. The gift that keeps on giving because when you share your gift, it’s powerful and life giving.
This past week I found a letter from a dear sister who has transitioned from death to life. As I reread her encouraging words to me, I remember her life giving-everything is going to be alright- make you feel loved and covered hugs. I posted her photo and shared that in a fb post, comments poured in affirming her hugs, the gift of her gentle yet strong presence that eased tension in meetings, gift of her prayers that brought peace, gift of encouragement that strengthened hundreds and a humble spirit that brought power. She has transitioned, yet years later, her gift keeps on giving. I sent a friend a virtual hug and we both had the same response: we felt like our dear sister was hugging the both of us at that moment. When you share your gifts and talents, they continue to reap even after you’re left this earth; this is the gift of infinite worth.
We often don’t realize the power and importance of sharing the authentic gifts that are inside us, and don’t realize how much they are needed by those who walk beside us. Last Friday, I competed in a Poetry Slam, but was blessed by every single one of the poets who stood at the mic stand. Poets are prophets, and the words they poured out gave me LIFE. It’s a week later, and I’m still replaying verses and lyrics from the poets on that stage. It is the gift that keeps on giving and the words will continue to reap a harvest even after they leave the earth; this is the gift of infinite worth. The gift that keeps on giving, for someone else is powerful and life giving. The next day, a sistahfriend shared with me how she hears my voice everyday. She took out her iPhone and played a recording of a spoken word piece I did three years ago. Each day that she gets in the car, she plugs it into her speaker and listens to it everyday and can actually recite it better than me. I had completely forgotten about the piece, but years later it is still giving.
Let Thanksgiving be the day to launch the gift that keeps on giving. Give thanks for how you’ve been blessed by the gifts and graces of others and let them know how it’s been powerful and life giving for you. Give thanks for the gifts and talents that are living inside of you, release them so that others may be blessed with your gifts that are powerful and life –giving, too.
When you hold back your gift you are robbing everyone else, of the benefit of being blessed by a gift of infinite wealth. When I hold back my gift, I do the same to you, denying you of a gift that is life giving, too.
Thanksgiving, I see YOU!
Grateful to be a recipient and giver of the gifts that keep on giving,
Sheila P. Spencer