If there was a recipe for this blog, the ingredients would be a heaping serving of thought provoking and challenging sermons by pastors who spoke truth to power, add hours of open conversation with a genuine friend and glass of wine, seasoned with a variety of encounters and truth talks, spontaneous road trip, and let simmer over a marathon reading of Terry McMillan’s new book, I Almost Forgot About You. Remove from heat and let set for several days of honest self reflection.
This blog is now served.
“I respect people who live in their truth”
I’ve heard this phrase for most of my life, and the older I get, the more I appreciate and agree with the statement. When you live your truth, it’s an intentional and continual action of moving into a place of discomfort and into the life that you were designed to have, which lies outside of your comfort zone. It takes courage and calls you to speak your truth, surround yourself with those who speak truth and embrace the truth of who you are.
Speak your truth – Living in your truth means speaking it. The main character in Terri’s new novel goes on a self-awakening journey where she encounters people from her past and asks the questions that she’s always wanted to ask, but never had the courage to do so. I remember the words from a friend years ago, when he said, “Sheila, it’s not that you don’t ask questions ….. you just have to ask the right ones.” Speaking your truth means asking the questions, sharing how you feel and getting the answers. It also means that receiving no answer is an answer, too. This Shonda Rimes quote sums up the rewards of speaking your truth.
“Because no matter how hard a conversation is, I know that on the other side of that difficult conversation lies peace. Knowledge. An answer is delivered. Character is revealed. Truces are formed. Misunderstandings are resolved. Freedom lies across the field of the difficult conversation. And the more difficult the conversation, the greater the freedom. “ Shonda Rimes
Truth tribe – Walking in my truth means surrounding myself with others who speak truth and life to me. I’m talking about people who love you enough to tell you the truth, …. even if they know it will make you more than a little salty. My truth tribe pushes me, challenges me, stretches me, makes me uncomfortable and makes me better. They provide a safe space for me to speak my truth, but don’t back down from making me accountable and do it. I find that as I grow, I am actually attracted to those who are completely straightforward. The relationship is usually mutual. Be thankful for your truth tribe, crew, squad or whatever name you have for the sacred collective of those who love you enough to speak truth.
Embrace the truth of who you are: One of my phrases is that I am perfectly imperfect and wonderfully flawed. One of the liberating components of those who live their truth is that they embrace their complete selves, flaws and all. It means accepting what makes you exceptional and your quirks. My friend shared an article where the one of the first questions that should come when you're getting to know someone is "How are you crazy?" We laughed, but there is truth in that. I actually appreciated being asked that question. It's sharing upfront in a completely transparent way. Because I believe , everyone has to be a little crazy, in order to be sane.
Truthfully Living with Flaws, Imperfections and All,
From the Jewelry Box
The right word at the right time is like a custom made piece of jewelry….
“Decide what your truth is. Then live it.”― Kamal Ravikant
“To thine own self be true….” Shakespeare
“If you were born an original, why live your life as a copy?”