I wrote this letter to Simone Biles during the Olympics last year. But I realized I was writing this to so many others. In honor of May being Mental Health Month, I invite you to reread the letter. Simone was the inspiration for the letter, but this definitely is for all of us.
I know that it is for me.
Dear Simone:
It’s taken me a minute to write you, but you’ve always been the G.OA.T. .. and long before the Tokyo Olympics. It’s not just because of the 4 Olympic Gold medals and 19 world championship medals. It’s not just because you have moves that defy gravity and are even named after you. It’s not just because of the sacrifices and work that you have poured into your craft. It’s so much more … you have inspired, fought for and been a leader to your teammates. You’ve dealt with blatant racism. With all of that, you’re the GOAT because of the gold medal decision you made … you chose to take care of your self, recognizing your mental health is of immeasurable wealth.
My heart ached and was angered at the comments you received. People told you that you needed to tough it out, you were selfish and didn’t care about your teammates or country. You should just go ahead and play through the pain and push through the trauma. But it made me think of how many times we pushed through and toughed it out, when maybe there were moments where we should have just sat down and took time to rest. You reminded us that we need to treasure ourselves. It is not selfish to pour into ourselves before pouring into others. We can’t pour from empty vessels. Jesus recognized and took the time to rest.
“Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.” Mark 6:31