“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the
Lord.” Psalm 27:14
“ … weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in
the morning.” Psalm 30:5b
“Be still and know that I am God …” Psalm 46:10
We have entered into Holy Week. We commemorate the
Last Supper that Jesus ate with his disciples and how he served them by
washing their feet. We prepare for Good Friday,and remember the
crucifixion. Then we know the Resurrection Sunday is coming.
But I invite you not to rush through this week.
Remember the season.
Take the time to rest
But don’t rush through Saturday …
It’s the day in between the weeping of the crucifixion and the
joy of resurrection.
If crucifixion is the departure point and the resurrection is
the destination, you have to go through Holy Saturday. It is
the day that, by its very nature, calls us to slow down and
Holy Saturday is the mean time, in between time …….
things always happen in the meantime, in between time.
It is the day where it seems that nothing is happening yet
everything is happening at the same time.
Jesus is in the tomb and all appears hidden.
But just because something is hidden, doesn’t mean It’s not important.
There is holiness in the hidden.
There is power in what we can’t see.
Holy Saturday makes us wait, we can’t edit, delete or go
around it.
We try to do busy work, yet it calls us to be still and
….. wait.
We can’t pay extra for rush delivery … we have to
Holy Saturday calls us to wait and it’s inconvenient ….
But we are called to wait and sit in this place.
One of my lessons from hospital chaplaincy is that sometimes
I was called to just be fully present and sit with others in their grief, the loss,
anger and unknown.
Holy Saturday calls us to sit in the grief, sit in the loss, the anger and the unknown.
It seems like for the last year we’ve been in an extended
Holy Saturday holding pattern.
Waiting in the midst of the unknown.
We have been taught to sit in the uncomfortable and
the unknown. It seems like an extended pause.
Yet Holy Saturday invites us to do just that … wait.
There’s power in the hidden, when it seems like
nothing is happening, yet everything is happening at the same
Growth happens in darkness. Plants grow when seeds
are planted in the deep rich darkness of the soil. The
caterpillar cannot transform into the butterfly without being in
the darkness of the cocoon. Photos have been developed in
There is holiness in the hidden and power in what we
can’t see.
But it calls us to wait…
Take time to wait this week … especially on Holy Saturday.
Take the time to sit … at the table, at the Cross and at the Tomb.
The tomb that will lead to your resurrection.
Resurrection is coming, but don’t dismiss and rush the wait.
But Holy Saturday always precedes the Resurrection.
Holy Saturday … I will sit with you.
Waiting in this,