Trust ........

We’ve celebrated the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. I think about the disciples and the shift. After walking and living life with Jesus for three years, they were going to have to experience a life without his physical presence.

And on top of that, he directed them to wait. What did it feel like to wait? First of all, not knowing how long you would have to wait and then not knowing what you were waiting for?

At and at this point, the disciples were going to learn about walking in a whole new level of trust.

Trust -






They would have to trust:

  • Trust The Timing of the Wait

  • Trust The Change

  • Trust The Voice

Trust The Timing of the Wait -   There’s nothing glamorous about waiting.  Yet there is no way around it. Waiting in line. Waiting for a plane. Waiting on an appointment,. Waiting on a call. They had to wait. But my mother told me, Sheila, waiting is a part of life and sometimes you will have no control over it. But you can control how you wait by what you do in the meantime. Waiting is not being dormant. If you’re waiting, worship, study, prepare. Release the weight of the wait by worshiping and preparing.  

Trust The Change: Life comes with shifts and changes. We need to learn to trust the change. This was the shift and the change.  This was going to be a transition for them. Transition is the process of changing from one condition to another. Seasons of transition teach us wanted and unwanted lessons about change. But the change is necessary for growth. Trust the change. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us about life in Christ will change us. Heraclitus said there is nothing permanent but change.  Benard Ignher wrote Everything Must Change. Trust the Change.

Trust The Voice : One of the gifts that we have is that even without the physical presence of Jesus, the Disciples as well as the rest of us, have the gift of knowing the Voice. The voice guides us, protects us.

“The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand.” John 10:27-28

Trust the timing of the wait - but remember waiting doesn’t mean that we are dormant.

Trust the change - Everything must change. The only permanent thing in life is change'.

Trust the Voice - It will never lead you wrong.