A Letter to My Younger Self

A Letter to My Younger Self

Ive been traveling for the last three weeks. It was a rich time spent with the people who are most precious to me : my family and my framily (friends + family = framily). It also included sharing with new friends and experiences.

One of these experiences especially made my heart and spirit full. My prayer was that this Journal would get into as many hands as possible and make an impact. Especially for youth. Thanks to my Rev Sister Courtney Stanton-Gomez for the opportunity to share the importance of Self Care with a beautiful group of teenage girls.

Here is what I shared:

I opened up and shared a letter to my younger self with advice that I hope she would never forget.

I wanted to write a letter to the younger Sheila. The one that was 15, 16, 17, 18

I would write about the lessons I’ve learned and the experiences I’ve seen

Since that’s something I technically can’t do, will you allow me to read my letter to you?

Dear Younger Self:

I want you to be grateful for the certain adults in your life whom you perceive as tough and pushing you through

Years later, you will realize that the push came because of the greatness they saw in you

Focus on your talents, gifts and being your authentic unique self

Don’t waste precious time comparing yourself to someone else

Pour into your passions, connect with community, travel and explore

Do your best to be your best for whatever life has in store

Don’t let perfectionism paralyze from bringing into reality the plans that come your way

A flawed plan that is carried out is better than frozen perfectionism any day.

But advice I don’t want you to forget

The formula for your life should be Work, Rest and Reset

I know that there will be times that sacrifices will need to be made

But don’t neglect recharging yourself so that you don’t fade

Let the rest and reset be a regular part of your life flow

It’s not selfish, it’s necessary for your spirit, mind and soul to grow

Don’t glorify the life that calls you to the 24 hour grind

Living in a constant state of exhaustion was never God’s design

Precious advice I don’t want you to forget

Life’s rhythm- Work, Rest and Reset

Remove the Guilty verdict that attaches itself to self care

Replace it with Not Guilty and leave it there

Take care of your temple where your spirit soul and body dwell.

I’m writing to my younger self, but this is an also a message that the adult self still needs as well.

Let the formula of life be Work- Rest - Reset.

Include self care as part of the regular rhythm of your life and you will find

That your life will be fruitful when you take care of your spirit, body and mind.

