Comparison ... Stop That Thief

“Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.”

Romans 12:6

This passage says it all …. I can drop the mic and end the blog right here. I gave you the title and this scripture that captures it all. But I do want to add a few more points.

Comparison is the thief of joy – When we spend time comparing ourselves to others, it takes away from our own joy.

Comparison is the thief of time – The more time we spend comparing ourselves to others, the more time that it takes away from the precious gift of time for yourself.  

Comparison is the thief of perspective – Comparison calls you to spend so much time looking at someone else’s treasure that you lose sight of your own.  One of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes reminds me of that.  “On the day of your birth, the Creator filled countless storehouses, set aside for your use and yours alone.”  It’s important to remind ourselves of the treasures, gifts and talents that are  uniquely ours to share with the world. You’re a treasure. I want to share a prayer from Marshawn Evans Daniels.

Lord, keep my eyes focused on You and on the plans you have for me. I will  embrace my lane, my gifts and my assignment.

