Twenty Four Hours of Grace

Grace was definitely the word for the day yesterday.

I attended my friend’s virtual church service followed by in person service at my church.

Two pastors …

Different states ….

Same message


It reminds me of a commercial where the words literally made me stop in my tracks…….

“We offer twenty four hours of grace…”

My attention turned to a bank’s commercial. If the client’s account had insufficient funds, they would notify them and offer them twenty-four hours of grace to deposit into their accounts without penalty. First and foremost, I was pleased that it was my bank (smile) ……….

But there was something else.

The bank’s offer of twenty-four hours of grace was a gracious offer. But I thought of another generous offer of grace that I am given every day.

God offers twenty-four hours of grace, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and 366 days when it’s leap year. If there is an insufficient amount of grace funds in our life account, God replenishes it generously without penalty. First and foremost, I am pleased that it’s my God. (smile)

I discovered a quote that spoke to the power of grace……

“What gives me the most hope every day is God’s grace; knowing that God’s grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face, knowing that nothing is a surprise to God”

There are many times, when my insufficient balance in my life account is my fault. Making too many early withdrawals from tomorrow’s account by worrying. Overspending and extending myself so much that I don’t take time to stop, slow down, breathe and pray. When I neglect an opportunity to extend grace to someone else, the funds deplete.

But in spite of that, I am still overwhelmed by the way that God’s grace, and the deposits of grace that comes through others replenish my heart and spirit. It’s the angel that literally stayed behind me in her car as long as she could, until she pulled next to me and told me that my brake lights weren’t working. That was grace.

It was the Sister who texted me a prayer literally at the same moment that I was praying with others. The grace of encouragement in unexpected spaces.

Twenty-four hours of grace ……….

Still makes me stop in my tracks ………….

And I give my thanks for God’s grace and the deposits of grace that others have, and continue to pour into my account.

If it wasn’t for the grace ………..